Ahoy, I’m Tomasz but everyone calls me Tom. I live in London and I am currently in training to become a Front-End Developer.
const Me = {
nickname: "Tom",
name: "Tomasz",
last_name: "Wagner",
married: true,
Color: "green",
Book: "Catch 22",
first_website_written_at_age: 13,
[ "coding", "technology", "art", "nature", "travel", "climbing", "backpacking", "food", "video games" ],
[ "JavaScript", "HTML", "CSS", "cooking", "talking" ],
[ "node.js", "express", "npm packages", "APIs", "React", "Redux", "Bootstrap", "GitHub", "MongoDB", "Mongoose" ],
["VS Code", "Sublime"],
["hospitality", "sales", "recruitment", "own business"]
This website was built as a part of the application for the Founders and Coders Bootcamp. I'm guessing chances are you're reading this while reviewing it. If that's not the case. Have a look at who they are and what they do here. Most importantly they're making tech world a better place by providing opportunities to people whom otherwise could struggle to get into that industry.
I’ve always wanted to work in tech. As with many dreams I have repetitively told myself that I’m not cut out to be a coder and looked for excuses not to do it. I’ve arrived it London at the age of 18 with mere £150 in my pocket. I am happy to say it was a best adventure I have ever had… and I am still here. I made it. I have always “fell” into jobs then into a university course and finally into a career. It didn’t feel right, but I carried on as that’s what I have always done. Eventually unfulfilled by my career, when my wife decided to open her restaurant and needed help I couldn’t be happier to be by her side. It was second best adventure in my professional life. It was then when I developed a website for the business and reminded myself how much I once loved doing this and my passion was reborn and old dream of becoming a coder alive again. With a support of Monica I decided to finally make that dream come true.
Besides having basics of HTML and CSS which as you might expect changed “slightly” since my high-school days I needed solid foundations. I have spent almost a month researching the most effective ways of getting them. This is where among many other courses and materials I have discovered a FreeCodeCamp and Colt Steele’s Web Dev Bootcamp on Udemy. I started attending meetups and getting to know more people like myself. Learning on my own has been great but I felt I needed to spend more time working with others. Considering my final goal of getting a job, I knew I would be better off learning to work with others. I could be studying how to code alone but I wasn’t learning how to be a developer. On one of the meetups I was pointed into a direction of Founders and Coders. I quickly fell in love with the teaching style and strong stance on important issues present within a tech world.
I love to learn, and I love to teach. I’m a true believer that you only really understand something fully if you can explain it to a someone else. That’s why I love the idea of peer learning so much and I hope I would thrive in such environment.
My learning methods and materials will go here
I am interested in finding a junior/trainee role where I will be able to work with JavaScript. I have chosen to get a solid understanding of CSS3, JavaScript, Algorithms, Data Structures and basic CS before learning libraries so I’m still an open book. I look forward to learning anything new so get in touch if you’re looking for someone passionate, dedicated and willing to learn.